Enter the Bitcoin Heater contest!
To participate in the competition, you can now generate your own unique hash right on this page! Whether it's based on the names of your kids, your favorite lasagna recipe, or whatever else sparks your imagination, the choice is yours - make sure it is unique, though! Once you’re happy with your hash, simply copy it into the Google Form on the next page, and don't forget to leave your email address.
How Does the Draw Work?
The hashes submitted via the form will be compared to three pre-generated target hashes. The hashes closest to these targets will win, and their owners will be informed via email to receive a Bitcoin heater free of charge!
To ensure a fair competition, we’ve published the SHA256 hash of the concatenated winning target hashes below:
After the winners are chosen, we’ll publish the three target hashes and the winning hashes on this page. Anyone will be able to recreate the process and verify that the results match the pre-published string.
Generate Your Giveaway Code
Enter a string (up to 128 characters) to generate your unique hash for the giveaway:
Your Giveaway Code: