My story

My story
Photo by Ricardo Gomez Angel / Unsplash

One scorching summer day in Italy, 2023, as an international Sales Manager on a family holiday, I escaped the midday heat to a stone farmhouse at the campsite, which housed the library. Reflecting on a peculiar story that had come to mind the previous Christmas—about a group of friends trying to crowd-fund the world to a better place—I sat down and began to write.

Back home, despite the demands of work, I couldn’t stop writing. I wrote when I should have been working, while cooking with my kids doing their homework at the table, late at night, and early in the morning. So this is what they mean by "the writing bug"—I definitely had it. The deeper I got into the story, the faster the words flowed, and by the end of October, The Paintball Club was complete. After a month of editing and a first cover design, the book was ready.

As I had no experience in writing or publishing, I just self-published and waited what would happen. Initial reviews were not bad at all, but some pointed out that the book could have been fantastic, with a bit more editing. So it was time to start learning a bit more.

In 2024, I have written several short stories and a second novel, Transit, with the help of a New York City based book-packager, Jessica Dorfman Jones. The Wind Does Not Name You is my first free short story, hope you'll like reading it.

And as for my job? After an open conversation with my boss, we agreed on an end date to step down, so I could focus mainly on this new addiction.

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